This document describes the Unger Custom Homes, aka, UCH policy regarding information received about you during visits to our Internet site. The amount and type of information received depends on how you use the site. These privacy provisions apply solely to UCH's online information collection activities and are not applicable in any way to information collection practices UCH may engage in outside of this Internet site.
The UCH site contains information regarding UCH and its promotional programs. The promotional programs described in this site are available only in those locales specifically referred to within the description of the program. All pricing information referred to in this site is in U.S. dollars.
You can visit UCH's Web site to read product information or use our online tools without telling us who you are and without revealing any personal information. No information about you, your company, your browser type and IP number will be collected unless asked for and accepted by you.
There are instances when UCH requests personally identifiable information to provide the site visitor with a service or correspondence (promotions and mailed brochures). This information, such as name, mailing address, e-mail address, type of request and possibly additional information, is collected and stored in a manner appropriate to the nature of the data by UCH and is used to fulfill your request. UCH makes every reasonable effort to ensure the secure collection and transmission of sensitive user information using industry-accepted data collection and encryption methodologies. The information you provide is used by UCH and its business partners to improve the services we render. UCH does not sell nor does it provide the information to any other company for that company's independent use. UCH will never sell your personal information to any other company.